With Memorial Day approaching and 80 degree weather in the forecast I wanted to give you a quick reminder to please wear sunscreen. This might be a “duh” moment because you already put sunscreen on every day, but I hope you’ll take a second to read this post. I’ve made mention about my skin cancer journey on Instagram, but I also wanted to share this on the blog.
I had a red spot on my chest that bothered me and Cory convinced me to get a skin check at a dermatologist here in Grand Rapids. They did a biopsy on the spot and it came back as basal cell carcinoma. This type of skin cancer is very thankfully very treatable, but hearing the “c” word wasn’t easy for me. I had the spot surgically removed earlier this spring and I’m doing just fine. I now have a large scar across my chest that I’m self-conscious about, but I’m working on embracing it. Scars can tell a pretty powerful story, and I hope this story helps others.
First of all please wear sunscreen EVERY DAY. I’m not saying I didn’t apply sunscreen before all of this, but I now take it 100% seriously. I carry a travel size sunscreen in my purse in case I need it, and apply sunscreen to my face every morning. With summer on the horizon please monitor your time in the sun, and lather on the sunscreen.
Secondly, if you haven’t scheduled a yearly skin check with your dermatologist please do so. I didn’t know what to expect from a skin check and it was honestly so easy. I have my yearly skin check next month, and I hope you’ll make the call to schedule yours.
Summer is a season we look forward to being outside and enjoying the sun. Whether you’re headed to the lake, the pool or reading in the backyard please don’t forget to apply sunscreen. THANK YOU!

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