Happy first day of June! After the long weekend and the beginning of a new month it truly feels like summer is finally here. Oh and these 90 degree days are definitely feeling like summer. Usually I do a bucket list at the start of the new season, but this time I’m doing something different. I created a summer joy list of things that bring me joy during the season. These aren’t things that need to be crossed off my to-do list, but instead little reminders of what I love about this season. Maybe you can relate to some of these and create your own joy list. When you live in Michigan the summer is truly a magical season. Do you know what I mean? I hope you find endless moments of joy to savor this summer.

Summer Joy List
Run through the sprinkler
Eat an ice cream cone (order that waffle cone)
Have a spontaneous day
Build a sand castle
Make s’mores on the beach

Start a garden
Visit the farmers market
Sleep with the windows open
Skip stones in the lake.
Start a summer book club (we have some great books planned this summer!)
Do absolutely nothing
Have a water balloon fight in the backyard
Swim in Lake Michigan

Try a new recipe with veggies or herbs from your garden
Have a picnic at the beach
Watch the sunset
Take a road trip to someplace new
Go to a baseball game
Have an unplugged day
Do a random act of kindness
Go down the waterslide at the pool
Catch fireflies
Make a summer cocktail or mocktail

Go to a drive-in movie
Watch fireworks
Go for a hike
Watch the sunrise
Make a blueberry pie

Look at the stars
Take a boat ride
Take a walk by the lake
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