Think you know me? I’m doing a fun post today so you can get to know me a little better. I mean I think it’s about time right? If you have a question for me leave a comment below.

Last Show I Binge-Watched?
Schitt’s Creek. Guys, if you haven’t watched this trust me it’s hilarious and a total must-watch. We watched the first few episodes awhile ago and didn’t really love it. So, I gave it another chance and then I couldn’t stop watching.
Book I Couldn’t Put Down?
Gosh I really need to get back into reading every night. The one book I couldn’t put down was Something in the Water. This book had just the right amount of suspense to keep me hooked. I also have Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist on my nightstand that I always find myself paging through even though I’ve read it a few times.

Song I Can’t Stop Listening To?
Right now I’ve been listening to “I Don’t Wanna Go” by Chris Renzema on Spotify. You can follow me on Spotify to see some of my favorite playlists and artists!
First Job?
My first job was at Naked Plates in Breton Village. I loved helping people paint personalized pieces, and learning how to load the kiln with pottery.
Something on my Bucket List?
I would really love to learn a second language. I know quite a bit of Spanish and a little Italian, but it would be awesome to be fluent in a second language.
Favorite Snack?
Cory and I love having pretzels for a snack in the afternoon. I’m also a huge fan of almonds, fruit leather and string cheese.
Cocktail of Choice?
Wine! I love red, rose, white or sparkling (as long as it’s not super sweet). I’m also a fan of Gin cocktails or an Aperol Spritz.

If I Could Live in a Foreign City it Would Be?
Florence, Italy. I love the shopping, food, and the history of the city. Oh and let’s not forget about the amazing wine.
How Would My Perfect Day Start?
A bowl of cereal, cup of coffee (black), and watching the TODAY show with Cory. I’m definitely a morning person, but I love to take my mornings slow and relax before getting ready and jumping into my to-do list.
Favorite Store to Shop?
Zara. Every time we visit Chicago or travel internationally I love shopping at Zara. I love the mix of staples plus trendy items at a good price point.
Something I’m Looking Forward To?
Giving this website a refresh! Stay tuned for more info.
Favorite Flower?
Peonies. Whenever June/July comes around I can’t stop buying peonies to have in my home. I also really love white hydrangeas. We just planted six hydrangea plants by our front door and I can’t wait for them to bloom this spring.
Movie I Could Watch Over And Over Again?
Parent Trap. I’ve probably seen this movie 1,000 times (no joke). Whenever it’s on TV I have to watch it. I also performed “the handshake” from this movie at my wedding with my parents.
Next Travel Destination?
I’m headed up north in October! Follow along on Instagram to see where I’m headed.
Any Tattoos?
Just 1 (but I want more)! I have the word “joy” tattooed on my wrist. It’s my middle name and my mom’s middle name. It’s a good reminder for how I try to live my life.
Have a question for me? Leave a comment below!
How did you happen upon Chris Renzema’s music?
One of his songs was in my Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify!